Excursión por Timanfaya y la Geria - Ruta Corta por el Sur de Lanzarote - Opiniones

| 2 Reviews

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Excursión por Timanfaya y la Geria - Ruta Corta por el Sur de Lanzarote

Peter David (Dave) Price - Desde: United Kingdom


| 2 Reviews

We were expecting to have another exciting trip up to the fire mountain. We understand however your decision to cancel the trip in view of the current situation with the Covid virus on the island of Lanzarotte. I’m sure you will get through this crisis and by acting sooner rather than later I wish you all well in your plight. I am sure that when you are re organised refunds will be made and we can re visit next year when we will be visiting once more. Good luck for the future Dave Price


Excursión por Timanfaya y la Geria - Ruta Corta por el Sur de Lanzarote

Barry H - Desde: United Kingdom


| 2 Reviews

A fab day with so much to see. Tour guide was very funny and knowledgeable and kept the information coming, bus driver was also good, a lunch time at Yaiza. Very much recommended.

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